Hi, I’m Mena. Creator of Thriving Good Life.

I’m all about making journaling accessible for curious folks like you who are looking to journal for personal growth.

Drawing on insights from the field of psychology, my personal journaling experience, and a knack for asking thought-provoking questions, I design guided prompt journals and worksheets.

My aim is to help you unclog writer’s block, journal more consistently, and develop a better understanding of yourself.

Headshot picture of Mena Joseph, founder of Thriving Good Life

I believe…

If we all invested more time in understanding our true selves – our thoughts, feelings, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and values – we could make big improvements.

We could make better choices, develop stronger relationships, and more meaningful connections with others.

We could live life in a more fulfilling and compassionate way.

And that…

The key to understanding ourselves better is to ask ourselves better questions.

Questions that help us identify our patterns of thought and behaviour, uncover underlying motivations, and gain the kind of insight and wisdom that promotes positive life changes and overall well-being.

I’ve been journaling for over a decade and have used my practice to successfully transform the relationship I have with myself and others, including:

  • Navigating a difficult relationship with an emotionally unavailable parent.
  • Rationally processing the loss of a significant romantic relationship.
  • Gaining a deeper understanding of my motivations, values, and purpose in life.
  • Becoming less reactive and more responsive in my interactions with others.
  • Being better able to manage my emotions, feelings, thoughts, and actions.
  • Developing habits that support a healthy and intentional lifestyle.

I don’t just talk about journaling, I live and breathe it. Journaling has changed my life in so many positive ways, and I’m excited about creating tools that help you on your personal growth journey.

If you’re interested in developing better self-awareness, and improving your relationships, and interpersonal skills, you are my people.

What next?

About the Creator

Mena Joseph has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and health science, a master’s in health psychology from City, University of London, along with a certificate in counseling skills.

She’s a self-taught graphic designer, and a lifelong learner in the area of psychology, and human nature as a whole. Mena is a regular meditator as well as an avid journaler, with over 10 years of journaling experience.

Mena lives in the UK and finds joy and connection in her passion for social dancing. She also enjoys weight training for physical and mental fitness.