🙏🏾 Get your mojo back by rediscovering your purpose in midlife through journaling.
I used to think that by the time I reached my forties, everything would magically fall into place. But right before reaching the big 4-0, I went through the most turbulent time in my life.
The demise of a significant relationship got me questioning, who I was and what I really wanted. While the corporate job that paid handsomely was slowly sucking the soul out of me. I remember thinking:
‘Is this it? Is this really how I’m going to spend the rest of my time on Earth?’
I felt lost. I had a deep sense of knowing that there was more to my life, yet I didn’t know what that was.
Maybe you’re experiencing something similar.
Where you have a desire for something more. Or you’re on the wrong path. Or you’re unsure of who you are or what you really want in life.
That’s your purpose calling. You can either (a) choose to ignore it and carry on as you are. Or (b) get curious, go deep, and journal your way through it.
I chose option (b) and would love for you to start unraveling the mystery of your purpose, one journal entry at a time. I’ll even hold your hand through the process.
In this article, I’ll be sharing 40 insightful journal prompts specifically crafted to help you find your purpose in midlife.
Use these prompts to explore life changes, rediscover who you are, reconnect to your passions, refocus your priorities, and reflect on the legacy you want to leave behind.
Prompts for Coping with Life Changes & Transitions
Going through a major life change like your kids becoming more independent, ending a relationship, experiencing singlehood in your 40s/50s, or feeling stagnant in your career?
A new chapter brings new opportunities to explore your purpose (even if you don’t ‘see it’ right now).
1. Write about a friendship that’s had a meaningful impact on you over the years.
Describe what you appreciate about this person, and why this friendship is important to you. What role has this person played in shaping your perspectives on life, relationships, and personal growth? Explain any ways in which this friendship has inspired you or helped you reinforce your hopes, dreams, and aspirations.
2. Write about a life change or transition happening in your life right now.
How can you approach this new chapter of your life with curiosity and openness, even though it might seem daunting? And how can you find a new sense of purpose through your journey?
3. Think back to a time when something took a turn for the unexpected. How did this shape your outlook on life?
What did you learn about yourself? Did you uncover any hidden strengths, abilities, or aspirations that you didn’t know you had? How have your priorities evolved as a result of this change?
4. Write about the challenges you’ve faced throughout your life.
How have these experiences influenced your growth, learning, and transformation as an individual? What lessons you’ve gained from them and how they have influenced your path? Which lessons and insights can you use right now to create a more fulfilling and meaningful life?
5. Write about a time when you felt uncertain about the future and struggled to let go of something familiar.
What do you remember from that period? How did the uncertainty make you feel? Did you discover new possibilities? If so, what were they? How can you stay open-minded and willing to try new things or explore different interests even when you’re not sure what might happen next?
6. During challenging times, what motivates you to keep going?
Reflect on what fuels your determination and resilience. Is it a particular goal, a personal belief, or a sense of purpose? How can understanding these motivations help you uncover what truly drives and inspires you in life?
7. Reflect on the changes in your priorities and attitude towards your work and career over the years.
How have these shifts impacted your overall sense of fulfillment? Have there been moments when you felt more fulfilled or satisfied with your work? What factors contributed to those feelings? Have there been times when you felt unfulfilled or dissatisfied with your work? What led to those sentiments?
Prompts for Self-Discovery in Midlife
A big step in finding your purpose is to dip your toe into self-discovery.
Look at who and what you are, both good and bad. Examine and reflect on all aspects of your life, from your interests and hobbies to your values and beliefs.
Let’s start that journey with the following prompts.
1. Think about what it means to be true to who you are.
Write about how you can accept and love your quirks and unique qualities that make you, you. How can being real and honest help you live a more genuine, purpose-filled life?
2. Write about a time when you felt pressured to live up to other’s expectations at the expense of your own desires.
How did this affect your relationship with the people involved and your sense of self? What do you think it would have taken for you to stand up for yourself in this situation? What might have been the outcome if you had?
3. Do you have any beliefs that may be limiting you from pursuing your purpose?
If so, what are they? How can you challenge and let go of these beliefs to open new doors for personal growth and fulfilment?
4. Think back to a difficult time you faced in life.
Remember the feelings and thoughts you had during this time, and try to recall how you worked through it. What were the steps you took? How did you cope with any negative emotions or setbacks? Who did you turn to for support, if anyone? How did this experience change your view of yourself, your values, your sense of purpose, or your direction in life?
5. Write about any fears, beliefs, or self-doubts that may be stopping you from pursuing your purpose.
What are your fears? What beliefs or doubts do you have about yourself and your abilities? What can you do to find the courage to overcome your fears and pursue your purpose?
6. Think about someone who inspires you or has achieved great things.
Why do they inspire you? What qualities do they possess that reflect their strong sense of purpose? How can you incorporate similar attributes into your own life?
7. What five things are you thankful for today?
How do these things make you feel? What do they remind you of? Examples could be the importance of relationships, well-being, nature, growth, etc. What role do these things play in shaping who you are and how you interact with the world? Can you identify any themes that connect you to a broader purpose?
Prompts for Reconnecting with Passions & Dreams
What happens when we get caught up in the responsibilities and expectations of midlife? We lose sight of our dreams and the passions that drive us.
I want you to rekindle that spark and reconnect with what fills you with joy and enthusiasm.
1. What dreams or aspirations have you had to put on hold over the years, and why?
What were the reasons or limitations that prevented you from pursuing them at the time? Is this still the case? How would things be different if you were to pursue these desires now?
2. Think about past passions or interests that may have been neglected (dreams from your youth that may still hold significance to you).
Do any of those past passions relate to what you desire in your life now? How might you rekindle them? What small actions could you take to move toward those dreams?
3. What are your current life goals and aspirations?
How do these goals connect to the person you wanted to become when you were younger? What can you do to make sure your goals fit with what’s truly important to you now?
4. What current activities bring you joy and make time feel insignificant?
How can you make time and space to do more of what you enjoy on a regular basis?
5. Reflect on the moments when you felt the most alive, energised, and connected to the real you.
What were you doing during those times? Who were you with? What made those moments so special to you? Do you notice any common themes or patterns among those moments? How can you recreate them in your current life to feel more purposeful?
6. Reflect on an experience or accomplishment that brought immense purpose and satisfaction.
What details do you remember about that experience or accomplishment? What aspects of it made you feel good?
7. Write about 1-3 destinations you’d love to travel to or explore on your own if you had no fear or limitations.
Reflect on what specifically appeals to you about these places and what draws you to them. Is it the natural beauty, the rich history, and culture, the opportunity for adventure, or something else entirely?
8. List 10-20 hobbies or interests that pique your curiosity but you’ve never tried.
From this list, choose the top five that you’d really like to try in the future. How can you nurture these chosen hobbies or interests so they become more than just a passing fancy?
9. Imagine yourself five years from now, living a purposeful life.
Describe your ideal day, from waking up in the morning to going to bed. What are you doing? What do your relationships look like? What small step can you take today to get 10% closer to this vision?
10. Imagine you’re giving a TED talk about a time when you felt lost or unsure, but you found your way.
What message would you share with the audience? How would you inspire others to keep going on their own paths?
Prompts for Redefining Priorities & Values
Your purpose is within you and it’s linked to your core values. Reflecting on these values helps clarify what to prioritise, and what to let go of.
If the thought of volunteering warms your heart, try to make it happen. If learning is your passion, you may want to carve out time to read, take that class, improve your skills. And this will require a few adjustments.
Maybe it’s cutting back on TV or social media. Maybe it’s distancing yourself from people who bring you down and are not supportive of your plans.
The following prompts are designed to help guide choices that align with your sense of purpose in the middle age years.
1. What beliefs and values are most important to you?
How can you incorporate these into your daily life and decision-making to create a sense of purpose?
2. What areas of your life do you prioritise the most (I.e. work, family, and personal interests)?
Do these priorities match what you believe is most important and right? If not, how can you change them? How can you create more balance and harmony between your priorities, so you can make choices that help you focus on your purpose?
3. If you found out today that you have one year left to live, how would you choose to spend your time?
What experiences, relationships, or achievements would you prioritise and why? How does reflecting on these things help you understand what matters to you?
4. If you could dedicate more time and energy to one activity, cause, or mission, what would it be, and why?
How can you incorporate elements of that activity, cause, or mission into your life each day, week or month?
5. What activities or commitments no longer bring you a sense of joy?
What’s changed to make you feel this way? How can you let go of them?
6. Have there been times when you’ve denied yourself happiness or settled for less than you deserved?
What were the underlying reasons that led to that choice? How can you let go of self-imposed limitations and allow yourself to experience true happiness?
7. What beliefs or societal expectations do you need to reassess or challenge to pursue your purpose?
Is there an assumption you’ve made or a “should” you’ve taken on that doesn’t truly align with who you want to be? How might you go about re-examining it?
8. What old narratives about yourself or what you’re capable of could you shift to make more space for your purpose?
How might you start rewriting that story or nurturing new self-beliefs? What support or resources could help you overwrite old narratives that limit you?
9. Are there any relationships or connections in your life that no longer serve you?
What do you gain from staying in those relationships? How can you develop healthier and more fulfiling connections with others?
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Prompts for Leaving a Legacy & Impact
When you start living true to a purpose that lights you up inside, it motivates you to be the best version of yourself.
You realise your life has meaning that goes way beyond the day-to-day stuff.
By living more purposefully, you create a ripple effect that touches others’ lives in a positive way. And that right there – that’s the good stuff. That’s how you know your time on Earth mattered – because you stood for something bigger than yourself.
In this last section, I want you to reflect on how you want people to remember you, and the mark you’d like to leave on the world.
1. What does legacy mean to you?
Are there any examples of legacies that inspire you or that you aspire to follow? Why are they meaningful to you? How will you know if you’re on the right track to achieving the kind of legacy you want to leave behind?
2. List 5-10 things you’re good at.
These could be specific skills, talents, or even personal qualities. Once you have your list, think about how you can use your unique strengths to do something important that also makes you feel good. How can you apply your skills in different areas, such as career, relationships, or community involvement, to make a positive impact in the world?
3. How can you share your experiences and insights to positively impact others in your community?
Think about the values, wisdom, and life lessons you’ve gained over the years. What legacy do you hope to leave future generations? How can you live today in a way that allows you to achieve this desire?
4. What charities, causes, or communities (outside your area) would you like to contribute to, and why?
How can you get involved, and what would you offer them?
5. What roles do you play in the lives of others (i.e., mother, friend, professional)?
Reflect on the positive feedback you’ve received from loved ones that highlight the impact you have had on their lives. How does their feedback help you understand your purpose in their lives and the wider world?
6. What kind of impact do you want to have on the children in your life?
This applies to your own kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, or other children you’re connected to. How would you like them to view and remember your parenting, aunt-ing, or mentoring style? How can you bring your actions in line with these intentions?
7. What is the one thing you want to be most remembered for after you’ve passed away?
How does this fit with your sense of purpose and the legacy you want to leave behind? What actions can you take now to ensure that your desired impact is achieved?
Life is one big circle of figuring things out. It’s okay to be in your 40s and 50s and still feel as though there is something more out there for you. The trick is, not to get frustrated with yourself.
I hope this list of journal prompts for finding purpose helped you as you travel through the maze of midlife. Please leave a comment down below to let me know.
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